While the number of Infectious Disease specialists declines, the need for ID and Tele-ID specialists in hospitals continues to rise. Eagle Tele-ID allows hospitals to provide in-house specialty treatment for patients instead of transferring them to another facility. Hospitals that implement an ID program can realize quality of care enhancements, reduced length of stay, and better antibiotic stewardship.
What can a Tele-ID program do for your patients?
- Tele-ID improves specificity of diagnosis, which leads to faster therapeutic and antibiotic interventions, shorter length of stay and lower patient transfers
and readmissions. - Access to a specialist assists in medication management protocols and treatment plans that improve patient care and hospital metrics.
- Provide care close to home to increase patient satisfaction and allow the patient to receive support from family and follow-up from local physicians.
Inpatient Telemedicine for Infectious Disease
Infectious Disease specialist and Tele-ID provider, Dr. Charles Kutler, explains the value of infectious disease coverage. With Tele-ID, patients who previously did not have access to infectious disease treatments in their community can quickly get the care they need, without having to travel to a distant tertiary center.